
Klyde Warren Park

Klyde Warren Parkであった"Decks in the Park"に寄ってきた。


ダラスのダウンタウンとアップタウンをまたがったこの公園ができてから何度も足を運んでいる。いつ来ても程よく賑わっている(殺伐でもギューギューでもない、いわゆるゴーディロック)。車や建物から出て、まわりの人々を肌を感じることができる空間って大事。あちこちにwalkableのエリアができつつあるのは、それをみんなが欲してるから。Klyde Warrenの成功で、車社会のダラスでもその動きがもっと進むと思う。


People with conviction - solar PV ban

Andy Jacobson/Dallas Morning News staff photographer
People with conviction are tough. 

They strongly believe what they believe not because others have taught them, but because they have studied, explored, examined and came to the conclusion on their own. 

Once they get there, they no longer seek approval from others. In fact, they get fired up when faced with unreasonable oppositions and defend their belief with the facts they have dug up.

In a recent Dallas Morning News article titled "Texas law lets developers ban solar panels while subdivisions are growing", a solar advocate assembled cases against builders and developers even though the current law was on their side. He believed the law was an unjust loophole. An antiquated initial responses he received from a powerful builder and a HOA fueled his determination to put the things straight. He was unfazed by some voices of caution - mine included. He pushed it through. The article went out. It received loud responses, mostly supportive. He gave convincing rebuttals with references to the negative comments...and the article is spreading with more support.

A hat tip, or rather a bow, to people with strong convictions. They are the ones who disrupt and start changing the society.










Slimming down an energy hog

My house is one of the guinea pigs in Dallas-Fort Worth area for electricity usage monitoring study by Pecan Street. They just released a new mobile app called "Pumpkin Pie".

According to this app, we use roughly half of electricity compared to similar houses in our area. It gives more details such as the usage data in kWh and $ per breaker. I would like to dig into that when I have more time.

During the past 12 months, we used roughly kWh8,650 (kWh720/m) and paid $860 ($72/m). For a regular spec house (2 story, 3000 sf) built by a production builder (read - built to be an energy hogger), it is good.

We did some cheap DIY energy efficiency updates using stuffs from Home Depot and Lowes several years ago. Nothing fancy. Most likely we have recouped the cost over one summer.



ロビン・ウィリアムが亡くなった。 RIP



死んで天国に行ったのに、自殺した奥さんを探しに地獄に降りていった彼の映画「What Dreams May Come」の、地獄の映像が、ホラー系がダメな私には強烈に残っている。








Damaged CREE bulbs

We have been using CFL bulbs for our kitchen canned lights for several years now. When two of them stopped working a couple months ago, I ordered CREE bulbs via Home Depot website.

The local Home Depot did not carry flood light type and online order was the only way to get them. They were not cheap, but they were "CREE". I did not mind to pay more for the quality.

A package arrived and out came these...A pack of four bulbs, although individually packaged, all broken. The strange thing was it appeared bulbs were secured well in the box and there were no signs of dent nor damage on the shipping box. Does this mean someone packed already damaged bulbs and approved for shipment???

I would not know. I ended up taking them to the local Home Depot, received the refund, and then went to Costco and bought LED bulbs from the different manufacture. It probably was not CREE's problem, but I would think twice before ordering them again.

Upcycling idea from IKEA

There is one catalog (i.e. junk mail) I don't mind receiving. The annual book from IKEA.

This year's version has pretty and fun decoration/organization ideas as usual. But, there is more. It suggests to upcycle used plastic bottles to grow herbs!

My master bath has a good size East facing window above the tub. I have been wanted to grow small plants vertically inside the window. This upside down bottles would work great there.

By leaving the caps slightly loose, excess water can slowly drain. I just need to place something on the window sill to let the drips to drain into the tub. Simple, easy and almost free! This will be one of my fall project.

Thanks IKEA for the idea! I sure will come back to your store when I need something for my house :)


Flower Mound council approved "not so anti-solar" guidelines

City of Flower Mound removed majority of anti-solar requirements originally proposed before approving the amendment. A big win for solar. Many thanks to those who contributed the effort.



直接のきっかけは、ビデオにあるネットゼロの家のソーラーパネルを、HOA(Home Owner's Association 自治会のようなもの)が取り外せと要求したこと。テキサス州の法律で、HOAはソーラーパネル設置を禁止できないことにはなっているが、条件をつけたり、設置を困難にしようと思えばする方法はある。(なんでそんなことまでするのかと言うのは、別の話)



たまに目を通すFarnam Streetのブログにこんな文章があった。

“The world is awash in complexity. Nearly every decision we make is uncertain. There is no one way to look at uncertainty. There are as many ways of seeing, experiencing and representing problems as there are people. Each person, in turn, brings their own mental models.
Integrators attempt to hold two, often contradictory, ways of seeing the world. Rather than fearing the ensuing tension they embrace it.
This is reminiscent of F. Scott Fitzgerald, who said:
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise.”

