
EXP EDITION on VICE documentary

光希 (Koki) のKPOP group "EXP EDITION"が、VICEに取り上げられました。

「The World's Most Controversial K-Pop Group」というタイトルが付いているだけあって、CONTROVERSYが焦点。母親としては腹立たしくなる場面も出て来ます。目標を持った若者達が助け合いながら努力しているのを、どうしてここまで問題視する人たちがいるのか?ちょっと理解に苦しむところ

私が言えるのは、今までここまで叩かれても、やり続けて来て成果を出し始めてるってことは、彼らのやる気が本物だということ。根拠のない批判はそのうちに立ち消えていくはず。They are the men in the arena. Critics do not count.

今、EXP EDITIONは東京にいて、8月10日まで新宿のShowboxでライブをやっています。興味ある人いたら行ってみてください。スケジュールはこちら


Texan industrialist turned his polluting company into environmental leader

I manage programs for NT Renewable Energy Group. We had a honor to have Dale Crownover, CEO and President of Texas Nameplate Company, as a speaker for our July meeting.

The reasons I wanted to invite him were...
 - He runs small local manufacturing business.
 - He and his team have been improving their pollution producing business practices over the years to the point that they are recognized for their environmental stewardship.
 - He spends his personal time to encourage others to green up their practices.

His story was fascinating. We were encouraged by knowing company like this exists in our own backyard.

There are three things he talked about and did not show up in below linked sites.
 - He trademarked the phrase "Our nameplates are green." 
 - He often faces strong resistance from other business owners when he talks about going green.
 - They invented iScrubber, a closed-loop automated solvent scrubbing system. He let his major competitor come in to observe the system even though his management opporsed. They worried the competitor might imitate the system and their company might lose its competitive advantage. Surprising results? Two separate competitors asked Texas Nameplate perform that part of process for them. Texas Nameplate picked up extra business and revenue by generously opening the door to its competitor and sharing information to go green. Abundance mindset resulted in win/win. How cool is that?

Texas Nameplate Website

Detail story about the company...