
Collin Creek Mall will be reborn into a Mixed-Use Community

Collin Creek Mall is officially closed and getting ready for an exciting redevelopment (w/ $1B price tag). As I walked through the vast parking lot toward the celebration event, I overheard a lady saying the other, "I feel so sentimental..." Maybe she spent many of her teen days in this mall. As I spent little time there, other than occasional back-to-school cloth shopping for kids while they were in grade school, I don't share that sentiment.

I am actually pretty happy that this huge super underused property (=wasted space) will be reborn into a walkable, mixed-use, and vibrant community that offers a place to live, work and enjoy for many. I'd bet many shares my sentiment. After seeing resident groups fought fiercely against multiple development initiatives in recent years, it's refreshing to see both the city of Plano and residents are FOR this project. It being near my home base adds more excitement. Along I-75 is getting more and more interesting :)

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